Get Browser Name and Version

Hi Friends, I would like to explain how to get the browser name and version using JavaScript, this article is very useful for cross browser compatibility. I have facing a problem, the pop-up is working in IE but not working in Mac Firefox, so I wrote code based on browsers.

Step 1:
First add this browsercheck.js into your application and add the script into your html or asp file.

var isNav = false
var isIE = false
var isChrome = false
// This function returns the browser Name and Version of the browser
// Based on this function you can manipulates the browser compatibility also
function getBroserVersion() {    
    var agmt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
    var version = 0

    if (agmt.indexOf('msie') != -1) {
        isIE = true
        if (agmt.indexOf('msie 3.') != -1)
            version = 3
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 4.') != -1)
            version = 4
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 5.5') != -1)
            version = 5.5
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 5.') != -1)
            version = 5
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 6.') != -1)
            version = 6
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 7.') != -1)
            version = 7
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 8.') != -1)
            version = 8
        else if (agmt.indexOf('msie 9.') != -1)
            version = 9
    else if (agmt.indexOf('firefox') != -1) {
        isNav = true
        if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/2.0') != -1)
            version = 2
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/3.0') != -1)
            version = 3
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/4.0') != -1)
            version = 4
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/4.5') != -1)
            version = 4.5
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/4.6') != -1)
            version = 4.6
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/4.7') != -1)
            version = 4.7
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/4.8') != -1)
            version = 4.8
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/4.9') != -1)
            version = 4.9
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/5.') != -1)
            version = 5
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/6.') != -1)
            version = 6
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/7.') != -1)
            version = 7
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/8.') != -1)
            version = 8
        else if (agmt.indexOf('mozilla/9.') != -1)
            version = 9
    else if (agmt.indexOf('chrome') != -1) {
        isChrome = true
    //check broser and versions   
    if (isNav && version) {
        alert("Hi, This is Firefox and my version is " + version)            
    if (isIE && version) {
        alert("Hi, This is IE and my version is "+version)
    if (isChrome) {
        alert("Hi, This is Google Chrome")

Step 2:add this code in html body.

How to get the Browser Name and Version

That’s it. I hope you like this article.

Final Words
Click here to download this code



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